Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hell on wheels

When I was thirteen I loved to skate and I thought I was pretty darn good too. I could skate forward and backward, twirl and jump... but mostly I could skate in circles with my cousins, giggling, tossing my hair, and trying to catch the attention of the sixteen year old boys at the roller rink.

The winter of my Freshman year we skated a lot... and we saw the movie Roller Boogie quite a few times too. The sappy romance on wheels flick simply fueled our desire to catch the attention of those boys. Of course the boys were looking for sixteen year old Linda Blair types and had no interest in chubby me and my flat chested cousin. Oh well.. we still had fun.

Tonight we took the kids skating and it was painfully obvious that thirty years have passed and rollerskating skills, much like perky breasts and sculpted abs, don't last. Ok, so I never really had sculpted abs but you know what I mean! It was embarrassing to jerk and wobble around the rink. I got better with time but I still ended up on my butt before the night was over. Hopefully I didn't break anything but I can't honestly evaluate that right now because EVERYTHING hurts!

Despite the pain, it was a very fun evening and we will be going back again. The kids are already at the rink four hours a week for hockey practice and another few hours for games so it just makes sense for the rest of us to get involved. Bob is working on getting himself in shape so that he can help out at practices already. I've just got to take care of one little problem...

Rental skates are implements of torture! The kids have new skates for roller hockey and I'm totally jealous. I want a pair like this.
I'm sure that I will skate much better if I just invest a few hundred dollars.

Oh... and perhaps an xray tomorrow...


dkuroiwa said...

Oh!!! Roller Boogie!!! I LOVED that movie!!! In high school, we used to load up in cars and drive almost 50 miles to the nearest town with a rink...though I never could get the jumps and turns down, I did nail the forward, backward and figure-8 twirls!
We were hawt....we could disco on those skates, baby, and our hair was perfect!!!
You, my dear, are a brave soul to go out there and try again.
I'm not sure I would be as brave...were the young guys impressed with your style??

Remember....there's nothing wrong with an advil with your coffee to get your butt going in the morning!!!

Gina said...

Well.... there was this one younger-ish guy (not quite in his forties) who skated by after I had fallen and asked "Are you alright ma'am." When I was thirteen I would have gladly thrown myself on the floor to get a guy to talk to me but somehow it's just not the same anymore.

Taylor said...

Zane laughed at you when you fell, Mom. You know who really annoyed me at the skating rink??? The announcer guy. He sounded like the voice of the person at amusment parks who tells you: "Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times." you know that really annoying recording? He spoke directly to Zane a couple times. Ok. well. Bye.

Karen MEG said...

OMG, I only roller-skated a few times as a kid, (ice-skating's a lot bigger thing up here); those old fashioned rollers look so clunky!

I've only roller-bladed once almost 20 years ago in Vermont. Took a huge spill and hurt my tailbone ... then had a 20 hour drive home. ugh. have not been on them again since.

Those newer ones are so cool! Roller hockey must be so fun.

Niki said...

Ha! I to remember my roller skating days long long ago!

Laura/CenterDownHome said...

hi Gina -- Wow! You have become one of "those" moms whom I admire so much. Like Kelli, who can play Guitar Hero and is a level 70 in Warcraft. Or Anne, who plays guitar with her son, or the totally awesome mom who learned to play Yu-Gi-Oh with her kids. Sigh. I give it a try every once in a while. I played "Slow Ride" on Guitar Hero. Very Badly. I did get a DS last year for Christmas and the boys helped me with a couple of games.

But skating! AwesomeMomma! We go to skating every Thursday here. I sometimes watch the boys and sometimes go run errands. Hmm. Wonder if there's an extra pair of skates around here somewhere? Did you read my post from a while back about Owen and Jesse and the skate races? You know, twelve-and-over race means ANY age over twelve ...