Friday, April 18, 2008

It's April 18th...

... and it's snowing.


cupcake said...

Oh, good grief.

Where do you live? Alaska?

Karen MEG said...

Ridiculous!!!! Hopefully spring will be totally worth the wait.

And BTW, hacky-sacks are in the bag - thanks for the great idea! Winner according to the boy AND the Dad LOL!

Gina said...

Hi Cupcake! Nope, not Alaska. I'm an hour south of Seattle. The snow melts as quickly as it falls but just having it falling is strange weather indeed.

Karen, I'm glad the boys liked the idea!

Leeann said...

How frickin' crazy is THAT??


Mrs. G. said...

My mom is visiting, and have spent the morning sipping coffee and watching it hail. I fear for my baby snapdragons.

Gina said...

Well at 6am, when I got up to get the kids off to hockey, it wasn't sticking. But by time the first game was over there was an inch and a half on my car... and now it's all melted. They are predicting thunderstorms tonight and more snow tomorrow morning!

nicrogers said...

I am really sorry for your crap weather Gina. Hopefully it will turn around soon.

Laura/CenterDownHome said...

That made me giggle -- "crap weather". Kind of says it all ...

Family Adventure said...

You know I feel your pain! I'm hoping the snow is gone by now - the 21st of April??

Gina said...

Hey Heidi.. yep it's April 21st and today I saw snow, hail, and rain.

dkuroiwa said...

After spending the last few days driving with the windows down, and loving the warm't miss that cold, wet stuff too terribly much!!! I wish you warm days and spring weather very soon!!!