Today we went to
Linbo Blueberry Farm and sifted through acres of bushes to find ripe blueberries. It's been a very cool summer so far, and Mr.
Linbo told us that the berries still need a bit more time, but I couldn't resist going out to take a look. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of picking raspberries at my Uncle Ozzie's farm in Michigan. I've been craving the peace that comes with wandering through rows of bushes focusing my whole attention on finding sweet tiny jewels hiding in the leaves.
Linbo Farm is my new favorite berry picking patch because they play classical music out in the field to enhance the experience. It's a good thing I took the kids with me or I might still be there, meditating with the berries. We brought home almost three pounds of berries... but since Zane can eat a pound in one sitting, we will definitely need to go back and pick some more!
I've never picked them myself, but I do love eating them. I'm sure you freeze several pints, as I do, for pancakes and muffins in the Winter. Also, don't laugh, I have a recipe for blueberry soup. Now, it's not soup like you'd think: it's cold, and creamy, and cinnamony, and just wonderful. Email me if you'd like the recipe.
Meditating with berries sounds really good about now.
Bellezza, I usually freeze enough berries to get me through Christmas and then I pout about buying expensive frozen berries until July. I would love the recipe for blueberry soup. I haven't met a blueberry recipe I didn't like yet! My most common usage is with breakfast yogurt and granola or smoothies but I love blueberry pies too.
Oh I do love blueberries!!
The K-Man has a couple of blueberry bushes in our yard...this year we had enough (after various people had took it upon themselves to pick and eat on their own!!) to make a batch of muffins, some pancakes, and we even threw some on a couple PP&Js.
I'm envious of your access to all that sweet goodness!!
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