Monday, August 10, 2009

Blueberry Preserves

Friday morning we picked blueberries. She set out across the field to find the best berries, alone, but soon scurried back to me because wild animals were making noise in the brush beyond the fence. She told me knock knock jokes, stories of being a child, dreams of being grown, and we picked buckets full of berries.

Perfectly Ten she balances between sweet childhood and tart teen and I wish I could save this moment for the future. To savor. Like the blueberry jam that will remind us of summer on cold winter mornings.


Laura/CenterDownHome said...

Oh, Gina, the whole page here is just lovely -- your writing, and the photo and the blog frame is perfect for the post. Harmony. :)

Hold on to that girl!! It does go so fast, doesn't it?

Leeann said...

Perfectly Ten.

I love that.

Somehow I feel like I miss that, with Chris being the middle child.

But enough about me. This post, your capture of life at THAT moment... PERFECT.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

The child and the blueberries are both lovely.

Karen MEG said...

This was gorgeous, Gina, your words, your sentiments and your beautiful girl. The do grow so, so fast, and it's lovely that you're treasuring the now.

CarolinaMomOf5 said...

Wow. I am in awe. Beautiful photo, beautiful girl, beautiful writing, beautiful metaphor. Love it all!

Mademoiselle Julie said...

Oh, hey! I love the new design, Gina! Blueberries in nature? Lovely... I know for sure one day I'll leave boring ol' Florida for a much more exciting state... Wait & see! Cheers, Julie

Wildflowerhouse said...

Gina, I am back up and hoping blogger doesn't do anything else to me and all the other people out there. I trid to leave a message yesterday but it wouldn't let me. I love the post about Zane. My son was totally bored with school. He just did it his way like Zane.
I love the picture of your daughter and the blueberries. Those are precious memories. Sharon

Renee said...

How beautiful she is. Gina this post touched me on a very deep level. Thank you.

Love Renee xoxo