FLOR and Maximo designs have teamed up to offer one of Alexander Girard’s classic designs “La Fonda del Sol” in FLOR’s unique modular carpet tiles. The product is really pretty cool. It’s an eco-friendly (see... I’m still green), anti-microbial, high quality carpet that comes in squares that you can arrange any way you like. You can read a lot more about it here.
FLOR has given me one 3’x5’ La Fonda del Sol Mandarina area rug to give away.

I thought long and hard about what I should require in order for one of you to win this (Because I wouldn’t mind keeping it myself… but that’s against the rules. Darn!) and finally decided that you don’t have to do anything! I’m just that nice… and I hate making decisions. So, in order to enter the contest all you have to do is write a comment on this post telling how you would use this rug (or just say you want it.) I will assign a number to each person who leaves a comment and, when we have over 100 entrants, I will have a random number generator pick the winner. FLOR's media relations person will ship the rug directly to the winner (so I can't snag it) within 2 weeks. I’m going to rely on you guys to pass the word along so that we can get to the 100 minimum quickly. Ok?
Unfortunately, there is one catch... FLOR is unable to ship internationally so only readers who have addresses in the U. S. and Canada are eligible. Also, members of my family are not eligible. Sorry guys... I’ll do another chocolate give away soon and everyone can enter.
So start commenting. I am truly excited about this and I hope you are too!
P.S. You don't have to have a blogger id to enter. Just leave an anonymous comment but be sure to put your name and email address in it so I can contact you if you win.
The results are in! Thank you for entering!
Hey! I think I may be first! I will post a link to my blog. Hopefully it will get to 100 first and I will win. I love it!
Awesome rug!! I would love to use this rug in updating Camryn's bedroom. She has been bugging me to get an update style and it would fit her personality perfectly. She loves, loves, loves oranges and pinks! It would be the perfect centerpiece for her room.
Barb Heister
My house is yellow, orange, red and green inside. So I think this rug needs to come and live here:)
I'm always looking for interesting things to put up on the walls of my classroom, esp. since I'm in a dreary portable.
:Crosses finger - hoping I'll win!:
Gina, you are my mid-life crisis superherowannabemom. I could read your blog all day long. Maybe I should start doing that instead of my usual eating and shopping?!
Cate Kingsley
I'm adopting two girls from an Island Nation. Bright colors are a MUST. I hope I win!
Come check out my blog to see pictures of my adorable girly wirlies and pray that they come home soon.
Sorry, did I totally break all blog rules by promoting my own blog in the comments section? Didn't mean to. Just bragging about my Haitian Princesses and hoping to win a rug.
I wish my blog was as cool as yours is!
If I won I'd nag my husband into putting in hardwoods in our downstairs... right now we have a carpeted dinning area - how silly is that?! I love to win stuff.... ;-)
Totally tossing my hat in the ring!
How could one NOT be cheerful looking at that rug? And I need cheerful because I have been a BEAR this week!
I love the sunshine!....it's a gentle reminder of what we need more of in our lives (especially in this house the last year!)
That is beautiful. It would be perfect in the Gulf Shores condo.
OH, I was SO with you on the beginning of this post...and then you woke me up with promises of Valium and rugs.
That rug would look perfect in my home office!
What a beautiful rug. I'm not sure it would fit in my country style new england home but it is still beautiful!!!!
Have a great day
I'm in--I have hardwood floors so I can definitely find somewehere for it. I am all about the rugs.
Oh...that is just lovely...and how did you manage this?? Way cool!!
I also have hardwood floors and tatami (that I like to put small rugs on!!) and since our theme for the house is "whatevah", it would fit perfectly!!!
I'll put a link to this on my blog later....
Oh, I hope I win....'cause I can find an address in the states to ship it to!!!
Oh, yum. I don't suppose they would also like to give away the SUPER HOUSE the rug is displayed in? Because that, too, is GORG.EOUS.
(awed) Ohhhh ...
I'm painting my studio that sunshine yellow color. That rug would look purty on the wood floor in there. (It wouldn't get paint on it. I'm not painting these days. Drawing, you know, colored pencils. :)
It will be treasured by anyone who gets it, I'm sure. You'll still be my friend if my name isn't picked!
(Hey Gina -- I entered that fancy portrait competition the Smithsonian has every couple of years. Think good thoughts for me ... )http://www.portraitcompetition.si.edu/index.html
Ooh La La! That is feisty! Not sure where I'd put it, but I could redecorate a room around it. Love changin' it up all the time!
Contests are cool.
OK, I have been a really bad friend and this is the first time I have been to your blog! But, OMG! I love your blog! I think I need to have a real blog and skip the dumb myspace blog. You are such a great writer Gina!!
PS...love the rug!
I just moved into base housing on a military base--one that really needs floor renovations (I'm talking ick) and that rug would help a lot. It would also brighten the place up. We have concrete walls so I can't hang any of my pictures up!
I'm so sad, I don't even get the chance to enter this competition! It would look fabulous in my room (ONCE WE GET EVERYTHING) and I don't even get to TRY to win it! Well thanks a lot, rug company!
That would match my dining room so well! But I'd probably use it in the reading corner of my new classroom! Very cool!
I'm just finishing my first year of teaching elementary school (tough year, can't wait for summer, but excited about next year!). This would look fab in my new classroom to begin a new year!
Wow! I love this rug, and will certainly look for them even if someone else wins it! I would put this rug in My Son's bedroom. My son is 20 years old and in college, and since he was old enough to express his preferences of color in clothes or decor, he has always asked for dull, plain, boring, things that don't call attentionto himself. which I totally respect.
But - an interesting phenomenon - since coming home from his 2nd year in college, he is now wearing all kins of bright patterned, crazy stuff - hoodies with colors all over them, and striped and patterned socks! I blame the influence of his English girlfiend, Kate. I like his style, and these rugs actually would be so cool for his room.
And - can I mention - we had to take Our Son's boring brown and tan rug out of his room because our Geriatric Rottweiler can't walk on the hardwood floor of the living room, or he'll slip and fall. So Our Son now doesn't have a rug in his room (tiny violin plays).
Those bright colors would be so fun in my kids' room!
That is the CUTEST rug! I love it!!! Enter me please. Thanks for an awesome give-a-way!!!!
Awesome Rug.
That's going in my formal dining room!
Oh wow, I popped over from The Mom Blogs. I L O V E that rug! We are redoing our living room and dining room and have painted every thing a sunnier color, we've got a wooded lot and can't bring too much sunshine in because of all the trees. Our furniture is navy and our floors are hickory and this rug is a MUST have for me!
(How did I do?)
That is a crazy rug!
I must have it! I MUST HAVE IT!
I will use it to bolster my fragile ego and hope that it distracts guests from the large malodorous dog who resides in the house with us.
And thank you, FLOR, for not discriminating against Canadians -- yeah, I may have a chance to win SOMETHING. Something that is awesome.
So does this mean i have two chance to win?
Wow ... that is an awesome rug and how cool that you get be the one to hold a give-a-way!
I would definitely love to win it!
Count me in! :)
me me!! It's so bright and cheery!
would look awesome upstairs in the kids' playroom!
yo. dude. nice. rug.
I'd most likely use this on my sun porch, as it would fit in with the bright and sunny look I have going on. Thanks!
This would REALLY brighten up my dull, dull, dull kitchen!!
I would love to win this! I posted on Apartment Therapy the other day that I'd like to mount it to a wall rather than use it as a rug...that's just how I roll. LOL
I absolutely love these rugs. My family room could use a bit of color. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Nice prize.
Love the design and colours...
...much nicer than the design and colours our new puppy created. Sigh.
I love the rug design! Would definitely love to win this.
I have been searching for a rug for my dining room with just the right colors and sense of fun, and this is perfect.
I just LOVE the Alexander Girard carpet tiles. They are so fun and fresh. Beautiful!
I would love this for any room in my house.
I could so see this carpet laying in the middle of my living room for all the world to see. I would be proud to sport this in my house always...in fact, I would forever decorate around the rug instead of decorating around the furniture...if you know what I mean.
Absolutely great contest!!!! I'd love to win!!!!!!!!!
I would love to win the rug! It is so cute!!! Thank you for the giveaway!
it's so bright and cheery. i would love to put it in my family room.
I have just the place for it! Hope to win! :o)
This would look great in my house :)
Yay! The rug would like great in my office. Gotta bring some fun into the serious. :)
Wow, I love this. I would put this in my family room. It would make the room look special. Thanks for the giveaway!
What a colorful and pretty rug. I'd love to win it. If I do, I'd probably put it in the living room.
Ohh, that's pretty. Please count me in! Thanks :)
beautiful rugs! would look great in my sunroom!!
Kat Dunford
MJRagusa1 (at) yahoo (dot) com
That rug would look perfect in my new grandson's room!
Looks smashingly wonderful ...would love to win this!
What a lovely rug! This would look nice in my family room.
Hey, just wanted to say that I love the new picture of the rug!
these rugs are so cool! would love to win one to show to all my friends! thanks for the drawing!
wendym at cableone dot net
This rug would certainly liven up any room.
cool! Id really like to win this...good luck everyone!
This is a beautiful rug! Thank you for the giveaway, I'd love to win it!!
Bright and colorful! Fabulous rug!
Oh how nice!
Enter me too!
My daughter would love this, and the colors would go well with her room. Thanks!
Debbie Dorsett
I love the designs and needs a rug for my offcampus apartment.
jmdennis at iname.com
cool rug, would go great in the girl's room!
I am currently buying my first house, and that rug would be perfect in my entry way :)
Whooo Gina, look at those comments!!!!
That rug is awesome ... and I agree, it would also look lovely on a wall. Or our family room floor. Or the girlie's room.... um, lots of applications here, really...
This beautiful rug would brighten up my bedroom! Thanks so much!
I'd put it in my Barbie room
This rug would be lots of fun in our family room. Thanks!
what a great prize.. this would be great in my sunroom..
Cherry and Bright,
will make any room right
How nice of FLOR!! Thanks for the give away.
Cute rug-- would love to have it! :)
Oh I want this for my 7yo's room!
What a beautiful rug! I would love to win this!
Gorgeous! I LOVE Flor.
Oh my gosh, that rug would be PERFECT for covering up the err, "animal marks" left by the family who lived in our house before us, despite the best efforts of my husband, who laboured for several days with a large sander. I can just SEE those squares, arranged ever so provocatively and ever so casually across the floor, while we admire from our squishy purple chesterfield. We'd even drink a toast to you!
I can't wait to have this rug in my family room! So perrrrfect!!!
: )
I have this spare room... This is a really cool prize!
Isn't this just the cutest rug! I've been looking at it ever since FLOR started teasing us with photos on the website.
Love it! I would use it in our sunroom to brighten the place up.
What a gorgeous rug! I would use it to sunnily welcome all to our home. It's so happy! Hmmm... a friend just gave us a reddish couch... looks like a perfect match!
(says the woman who, up to now, has been sitting on lawn chairs in her living room! oh, yeah - I've got a sense of style!!)
Man, I'm a sucker for Flor. Love it!
Oh, I LOVE that! It's gorgeous!
Pick me, pick me!
(P.S. - my google sign in is messed up, but my email is momtothescreamingmasses@gmail.com)
Carmen, www.momtothescreamingmasses.typepad.com
How awesome would that look in my home office! Or. Wait. The den! Yes. Or even..
It's lovely - please count me in for the drawing.
I saw this in the catalog and love it. Cool!
OMG this is so cute!!!
cool, thanks for the chance! It would definitely go in our bedroom, to replace the very UN eco friendly rug from overstock.com that we had to pitch after one year due to uncured stinky latex backing that was full of chemicals. (over here from Derfwad, by the way)
This would be great in my daughter's room : )
This would be so great!! We are going to be moving into a house with only wood floors. I love this :)
I have a room that goes from the dining room out to the backyard. There is tile there and I fear wet skidding children running from the pool into the house. The rug would be perfect (because of it's make-up and it's design) right there.
(By the way, I made my way here via Mrs. G at Derfwood Manor.)
very cool rug - perfect for the family room :)
Love it! It would look fab under my dining room table.
Thanks for the contest.
A rug that cheerful and vibrant would be at home in either of my childrens' rooms, or shared by the whole family in our living room...or hoarded away, solely by little ol' me, in my soon-to-be craft room! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Ooh I'd love to have this!
i'm looking forward to putting it in my family room. great giveaway!
This would look fantastic in my living room! So cute and it matches the colors!
I am re-doing my girls' room now and that rug would look cute!!!
It's perfect for my dining room!
nooo. am i too late? our entire house's flooring is bare. bare, bare, BARE. and i bet the kids would love to help me arrange it!
This is darling, thanks for being the [reluctant] go-between :)
I love FLOR, we have used it in our living room, family room, and soon I will order for my bedroom and my daughters room. In the living room we installed it at an angle to create an argyle effect.
It really does clean just like they say. When the cat pukes, you just take the whole square outside (without messing up the design) and hose off. Drip dry and put back. I originally doubted it was that easy, but it is. Plus it is easy to replace one square at a time when my six year old spills grape juice.
Okay, this is the fourth time I've tried to enter my comment. Your blog hates me. ;-) I think my entry should count four times. LOL!
Well, darn, I think I'm a tad too late to be included in the top 100. But thanks so much for bringing such a fabulous product to my attention! Between three cats and three kids, our current flooring is DISGUSTING and FLOR would be a fantastic change.
(mrs. g. pointed me your way. she always knows the neatest peoples!)
moxyjane in austin, tx
I would use this in the playroom - how cute would that be!!
I'd have this in the playroom, which has a laminate floor. I know the kids would like to spread the carpet sections around and jump from one to the other like frogs.
Oh, I would LOVE this! It's a tossup on whether it would go in my child's room, or in my kitchen. My kitchen could definitely use this dose of sunshine!
What a cheerful color scheme. I'd love to have it brighten my days.
Comments are now closed. Check back around noon Pacific time when I'll be announcing the winner!
Good luck to everyone and thank you for entering.
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