Fortunately, I will not be incommunicado for the entire two weeks. Thanks to the Amazing Bob, and his traveling computer roadshow, I will have internet access so that I don't lose either one of my regular readers in my extended absense.

Stay tuned for gorgeous wedding photos, embarrassing jetski stories, and tales of woe from airports all over the country.
Just have a great time and numb the brain to any airport crapola.
Post lotsa photos =)
Fun! I love Disneyland, especially the bayou feel in the Pirates of the Caribbean. Have fun!
Hey girlfriend,
Have a great, wonderful trip! Remember to BREATHE. It'll be okay in the end!
I am so glad to hear that George is doing well. That's awesome. I'm sure you guys made the right decision. He'll be a total chick magnet for Zane, with a sympathy vote for closure! ;-)
And I am not ignoring your tag for summer goals. I've been thinking on it. I'm completely frightened by how goal-less I am!
Have a wonderful time!
Have a great and safe trip!
Have a wonderful time...looking forward to the pictures!!!
Ride the Indiana Jones ride once (or three times!!) for me please!!!
Yeah, it's a bummer how much travel has gone from being an adventure to being something you have to survive...
BEAUTIFUL wedding! Thanks for your congratulations on MY wedding! I appreciate it so much.
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