So, I've been looking at websites and perusing magazines looking for gifts that meet the dual requirement of being easy enough for me to make and don't look like a fifth grade art project. Not the easiest thing to find considering my considerable lack of skill. I've got a few ideas but I won't be writing about them because that would kind of make wrapping the gifts rather pointless. (To my friends and family... Please know I love you even if I do send you silly presents.)
Anyway, while questing about this morning I found something that I just have to comment on. I know that scrapbooking is very popular and that some people spend lots of time and money creating truly amazing pages to display their photos on. However, since my wedding photos are still in a ziploc bag, in a box, in my garage, (yes I know it's not good for them!) with the millions of other photos that were taken before I got my first digital camera, I don't think I caught the scrapping bug. I'm holding out hope that one of my daughters will decide to organize everything for me when I'm too old to bar the door to the garage anymore. Oh.. back to the thing I wanted to comment on... So, I'm looking at paper trimmers because I like sharp things even if I don't do any scrapbooking and I saw this.

This is perhaps the strangest combo gift ever. I vote lame husband gift.
I'm with Mrs. G. The item is mind boggling.
Good for you on the making of gifts!!
That's just ridiculous! Couldn't you just wear your ipod and listen while you're cutting? D'oh?!!! Too logical I guess.
Good luck with making your presents ... to be honest, I think those are among the most precious of gifts, seriously.
Okay. I commented here before, but my server dumped me off before I could post. :/
Is it the consumer in me who looks at this and thinks, "Pretty."
And, then reasons: "Yeah, well, if I wore my ipod, I might cut the wire to the earphones, of course. What an ingenious cutter!"
Take my credit cards, please.
Oh Laura! If I was honest I would have started my post with the confession that it took me thirty minutes of admiring it before I started to question myself. I'm a sucker for paisley.. and sharp things.. but I don't have an ipod so the functionality is lost on me. However, if they made a regular trimmer with the same aesthetics I would be lusting after it... even though I don't have the slightest need for it.
Oh, yeah! I want one of those! Too bad I don't have any stores near me with that deal.
I could just cry.
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