I know that in many parts of the country it isn't astounding to look out the front door and see a foot of snow. I spent five years in South Dakota, where a few feet of snow was considered a mild storm, and remember months and months of snow on the ground. I'm not a snow wimp. However, this is Washington and it rarely snows here. People don't know how to drive in snow, cities don't have enough plows to deal with day after day of falling white stuff. A foot of snow is crippling and we are inching toward a foot and a half.
There's still shopping to be done but if the weather reports are correct there is a good chance we won't be going anywhere soon. Tuesday may find me hiking the three miles to the grocery store to buy our Christmas dinner. It's okay though. We have electricity, food, games to play, and movies to watch.
... and the rum's not gone...
Gina, I am glad you have such a positive outlook. We were snowed in on Christmas a few years ago and that is when we made the decision to buy the suburban! 4wd baby, thats where its at. At least in the north east. have you finished your shopping at least? If you have, getting snowed in may not be so bad, as long as you have groceries. When we were snowed in we had no groceries. It was painful! lol
Enjoy your snow, Gina. Wish I could send Hector with provisions!
I'm trying to think who wouldn't get a gift if I got snowed in. Somebody, that's for sure!
Now that is a lot of snow!!!
You've got the right attitude- just try to enjoy this time with your family. Games, hot chocolate- memories are made through events like this!
Hi Nic, I remember you being snowed in that year.. in fact that memory spurred me to get out Saturday morning and do as much shopping as I could between storms. We do have four wheel drive in the truck but even with that I slid several times. It was crazy and under normal circumstances I would have turned around and gone home but I kept remembering you. LOL
Laura, Hector and Gracie would probably love to romp through the snow together. George is not so happy. He is very furry and normally doesn't mind the cold but when he plunged into snow up to his tail he seemed to rethink his need to be outside.
Leeann, I'm sure they will remember the big snowstorm of 2008... when mom made them clean their rooms!
As long as the rum holds out....you will be okay! Merry Christmas.
You guys may not be good in snow but I've seen how you handle rain and it's is awe-inspiring. Have a cozy holiday - and let me know. I can always ship in more rum - the USPS supposedly can get through any weather.
OH, wow! So what happened? Did you ever make your way out to finish shopping? Was Christmas saved?
I could be looking out my own door, here! Of course, everyone in Chicago is worried about FLOODING now that we've had snow and RAIN today. There's the famous joke: If you don't like the weather in Chicago wait a few minutes. It'll change.
Blessings on your Christmas, and I look forward to more blogging with you in 2009.
... and the rum's not gone...
now that delish scene from Poirates of the Caribbean is replaying in my head.
shame you don't have Jack Sparrow and his stash at your place...
wishing you a wonderfully happy christmas and new year.
mwah X
So it's a few days after this post and some questions for you:
*Did the rum last?
*How long did it snow?
*Who was sent out to get more provisions? (rum, coke, lemons, bread, milk, etc.)
*Did you all survive?
*Who was the winner of the games? and...
*Did that oldest ever make it?
Thinking of you and hoping all is good and groovy at your house!
Happy New Year...it's the year of the Cow, don't you know...must check about special meanings for that one!!
much love,
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