Thank you so much Jason.

A. Attached or single? Attached to the same guy for 24 years.
B. Best friend? Bob (see question A)
C. Cake or pie? Oh.. tough one.. how about cake with fruit but not fruit cake. A nice fruit tart with lots of fresh berries and pastry cream on sponge cake. Oh goodness I just took myself back to my Great Aunt's kitchen in Melrose Park... except no one is yelling at me in Italian.
D. Day of choice? Sunday
E. Essential item? Shampoo
F. Favorite color? Red
G. Gummy bears or worms? Ick!
H. Hometown? Jerome, Arizona
I. Favorite indulgence? ice cream
J. January or July? July
K. Kids? 2 boys 19 and 15, two girls 13 and 9
L. Life isn't complete without? Church
M. Marriage date? November 21, 1987
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 2 younger brothers, one much younger half sister
O. Oranges or apples? oranges
P. Phobias? The Post Office
Q. Quotes? I like using them.
R. Reasons to smile? Bob, Dogs, Kids
S. Season of choice? Autumn
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? I have one elf ear
V. Vegetable? avocado
W. Worst habits? Complaining
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y. Your favorite food? Mexican food
Z. Zodiac sign? Capricorn.
Now I get to pass this award on to seven great bloggers. My seven award winners are:
JCK @ Motherscribe
Laura @ CenterDownHome
Debbie @ Etc., Etc., Etc.
Bellezza @ Dolce Bellezza
MS Teacher @ MS Teacher
Julie @ Absolutely Fabulous
Taylor @ My Blog of My World
I love your blogs and you all deserve recognition. Keep writing!
Gina, you're so sweet. Thank you for the award, and I love blogging with YOU!
Gina, stop! You're too kind. But thank you. I enjoyed reading your responses to the quiz!
I think Julie from AbFab is great too! And you are too funny!
Will you post a pic of your elfen ear? Please?! ;-D
Thanks so much Gina!! Very kind of you, my dear!!!
Will work on the quiz tonight!!
These awards are great, but, I keep checking out new GoogleReader list is getting beyond long...I'm going to have to do some reorganizing of my daily schedule just to work in reading blogs!!!
My first blog award... What an exciting day! I'll go put it up. =D
Congrats on the award, Gina!!!
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