Wordle takes the words from your blog, or any other source, and arranges them by size according to how often they are used. I was worried that I would end up with some nasty word that that illustrates poor writing... like "like"... as the biggest word in my cloud but it wasn't as bad as I feared. Go try it out!
love the title: are you familiar with the best movie of all time?
movie line:
no more rhymes now, i mean it.
anybody wanna peanut?
gosh these wordles are fun, and so revealing, don't ya think? love it.
mwah X
Kate, The Princess Bride is one of my all time favorites. I had a lot of fun with my wordle. Thanks for the link.
It's pretty, too. Like, you should frame it. Totally. :)
I am still a little afraid that Wordle will reveal me to be a cronic whiner. Sigh. Yeah, like that. Love that yours and Kate's both feature the kids -- or her "lads" -- prominently.
Gina, when I saw "dogs" I actually looked for "hair" nearby!
Um, I meant "chronic", but I guess "crone-ic" works. L
Laura, the fun/cheater thing about wordle is you can remove words you don't like and it will reallocate.
Chronically cronic is a good description of how I'm feeling lately.
Okay, it is totally cool and I want to do it. But I don't understand HOW! How do I get it to do the words from my blog?
Help me! lol
I love Wordle!! I'll go there and just play sometimes...either using the words it pulls up off my blog, or adding my own..."dirty wordle" was pretty fun...but I didn't save that one!! :-D
JennatJugglingLife did one for her son and had if framed and he (maybe Jenn?) hung it on his dorm room wall....vrrrrry nice!!!
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