Raising children is like gambling. With your heart and soul as collateral. Everything... genetics, discipline, school, snack foods, friends... is a roll of the dice. It's easy to look backward and point to the reasons why this may have happened to Ian, but honestly it would be just as easy to look backward and find reasons for him to have turned out well.
Regardless, we now find ourselves with a son living away from home and fighting some mighty demons. When we don't hear from him in a week we worry, we speculate, my husband tends to get cynical and I get sad, sometimes we fight, most of the time we console each other and try to share the load. We stay strong because we have each other and because we have to.
My sister-in-law, Anne, responded to one of my posts about Ian and what she had to say is lovely, practical, and hopeful:
It's called "tough" love for a reason. If it were easy, it wouldn't need an extra adjective. All kids should have an extra adjective - like "exuberant" or "creative". Come to think of it, even adults need an extra adjective. The dictionary defines tough as "capable of great endurance; sturdy; hardy" You have to believe that you are tough - and so are all of your children.
I love the idea of extra adjectives for all of us. Today I will chose tenacious for my adjective. Tenacious means persistent in maintaining or adhering. It also means not easily pulled apart. I remain tenacious for Ian. I saw him today.. he looks better.. and it would be easy to be relieved, excited, or hopeful but I've been those before and it's too far to fall when he doesn't look so good. Instead I'll cling to the hope that he is getting better, adhere to my belief that he can get well, but I won't be pulled apart if things change.
Hey Babe,
First of all, what a beautiful picture of Ian. I think that is one of the best of him that I have ever seen.
Secondly, I would most certainly agree with your description of tenacious. You have refused to be torn down but you have also refused to give up. You stand sturdy but you bend.
Lastly, did you make up that analogy about gambling and parenting? I absolutely love it. I think it is one the best parenting quotes I have heard in a long time.
It is a great picture, isn't it? One of my favorites.
The gambling analogy is mine but it's probably not that original. I'm sure someone came up with it before me. LOL
He is such a handsome young man. I hope he finds his way back.
I love the idea of extra adjectives too.
Gina!! You are a brave mother for sharing this.
I looked at that picture and I saw a handsome, happy, lucky young man...and then to read the words 'drug addict'. The shock!
I hope he gets out of it. I hope he finds the strength. I know you'll be there for him. I like the sound of 'tenacious'.
I wish you both well. Words say so little. But I will be thinking of you.
Hugs - Heidi
We discovered our 15 year old smoking pot in his room almost two weeks ago. He confessed to us that he has been smoking pot since he start high school (almost for a year and a half). We have set him up to see a drug counselor through our medical provider next week.
Your post pulled at my heartstrings. I'll keep Ian in my thoughts.
Ms. Teacher,
I know exactly the feelings you must have had two weeks ago. When he was first caught Ian also admitted for using a lot longer than we had ever imagined possible. It sounds like you are doing everything right. I hope the counselor is helpful.
Gina, what a handsome young man. Addictions are just horrible.
It sounds like you've been through so much, but what is very obvious is the love you have for him. I hope things to turn around for him and you and your family. Tenacious, it's a quality that all mothers, parents need to have. ANd you obviously have that in spades. Ian is lucky to have you.
THinking about you and your boy....
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