Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wire, Bread, and Wine

If you spend the entire day building a wall.. and I do mean WALL of these things...

and you even find time to make a delicious olive oil enhanced foccacia...

then it's ok to spend the evening drinking a bottle of this...

Especially if tomorrow is a holiday.

Happy Sunday everyone.


dkuroiwa said...

I hope that someday you post your recipe for that foccacia as mine never looks like that!! Yum!!:-D
Is/was Monday a holiday?? (I've lost all track of American holidays, other than the major ones!!)
If it is...have a good one...if it's not, have a good one anyway!!

Leeann said...

Yes, it certainly sounds like you deserve some of that! :-)

Gina said...

Debbie, I started making the foccacia because I didn't have anything to write about. I have a dozen pictures of the process but when I finally had time to sit down and write I was too tired to organize it. (No, it had nothing to do with the bottle of wine, nothing at all) I will post the recipe later.

Gina said...

Oh.. and yes it's a holiday. President's day.

ms-teacher said...

Those things are a pain to put together. You definitely deserve a drink ;)

Don Mills Diva said...

You definitely earned it - hope you enjoyed it!